
Rude Fusion

Double Edge Theatre's SUGA

a Double Edge Theatre production
a Rude Fusion presentation
co-produced with Jason Phelps & Co.
March 4 - 6, 2020

SUGA is conceived, and performed by Travis Coe and directed by Stacy Klein. An investigation of freedom, and the bounds—personal, artistic, societal, and political—one must break through to achieve that end. As a caretaker of a museum of memory, Coe touches/reveals/remixes all the aspects of himself—as Queer, Afro- Caribean/Latinx, and American, to find the path to sing, fly, run - toward Freedom.

About the artist
Travis Coe is an Ensemble Member and a leader of Art Justice at Double Edge Theatre (DE) and the Co-Founder of Round Room Image. While at DE, Coe's creative process has changed significantly in conversation with Founder/Artistic Director Stacy Klein and the Ensemble to include rigorous and imaginative physical training in the research and creation of his artistic work. While grappling with issues of personal identity and historic representation, Coe takes dreams, memories and histories and creates a catalogue of performed and cinematic artworks to awaken communities to new possibilities of seeking courage and freedom.

Arts Writing

"SUGA rips raw in an equally grounded and heightened solo show featuring Travis Coe of Double Edge Theatre." - SUGA: Review, Austin Chronicle, Yasmin Zacaria Mikhaiel