Category: Productions, Uncategorized


High Crimes: The Impeachment of the Worst President in US History, is somewhere between a scholarly consideration of history, our current Constitutional options, and a drunk history variety show. We’re going to take a long hard look at Andrew Johnson’s disastrous presidency and what it would take to get a horrific power-hungry bigot removed from the highest office in the land.

Watch us work
Inspired by Susan Lori-Parks, we’ve decided to show you all the tenderest early part of our process. We’ve never done it (officially) before and it’s scary! We’re in the earliest zygote stage of this new piece. Right now it’s about Andrew Johnson’s presidency, who knows what it will be about by the time we’re through! If you’re interested in how to take the germ of an idea and start forging material out of it, this is how you should spend these exhausted post-SX evenings. Low-stakes, hang-out. This is the first un-private workshop of several this year. Free of course, and on off-nights.

Tuesday March 18 from 7pm to 9pm
Museum of Human Achievement
RSVP here 


The Austin premiere of Not Every Mountain is in Fusebox Festival 2019! 
And if you can’t make that, we’re holding it over the week after!

After a stint in Chicago as part of Pivot Arts Festival and a development residency in Minneapolis at the Guthrie Theatre, Not Every Mountain returns to Austin a little the same and a little different.

We don’t wanna give away all the new fun stuff but we can tell you that Peter Stopschinski joins us playing live and this revised version features a contraption called an octahedral scissor lift.

Not Every Mountain is a mellow meditation on change, permanence and our place in the natural world. It is a presentation of the life cycle of mountains and the processes by which they are born and eventually laid to rest, an invocation of tectonic force and geologic time.

Using a string, cardboard and magnets, Not Every Mountain invites you to watch the collective effort of making and unmaking a series of interlocking mountain ranges. Watch minutes, or perhaps centuries, unfold, as mountains rise and fall, clouds dance, birds alight and depart, and a moon delicately hangs overhead. Not Every Mountain is a joyous and poignant meditation on the fleetingness of time and the many lives of rocks, underscored by a poetic recitation–or perhaps a spiritual incantation.

Fusebox Festival  April 17 – 20 at 7pm, Tickets are Free!
All shows are at Motion Media Arts Center, 2200 Tillery St.

Rude Mechs is extending the show through the week after the festival:
Dates: April 24 – 28 at 8pm, April 27 at 2pm
Tickets: Sliding Scale $5 – $35
Get your tickets today

When space is valued in dollars and cents, when the future is reduced to capital accrued, then our most important contribution as an arts organization is to provide alternative ways of engaging in the now.