Hello everyone! My name is Blake and I am a new intern here at Rude Mechs. So far, I’ve been helping out around the theatre with Thomas (one of the co-pads) as my guide. We’ve been building things, eating lunch together, and building more things. I’ve also been sitting in on rehearsals and taking a few notes. Here are a some words I thought I’d share.
Rehearsals have been good. The first one had me filling in for one of the actors, so I grabbed a script and went for it. Haven’t acted in a while but that’s okay. Their process has been most interesting. They are a very diplomatic ensemble, willing to try new things and seeing where it ends up. I also like that the material is brand spanking new, so rehearsals are all the more vibrant and fun. What impresses me most: their ability to try a scene intense, funny, over-the-top, etc. There really are no limits to where they want to go if they are feeling it. Sort of informs my opinion of art as a whole.
The show, tentatively entitled, “CL1000P: Round 2”, is quite the experience. Think of it as a journey: the audience will get to move along with the actors, a perfect mixture of environmental and experimental theatre. But wait! It’s a workshop! That’s right, the ensemble will need your help getting it to ‘show’ level, fit for future performances here and beyond. Nightly talk backs will be the key to this success. You, the audience member, will get to free associate with cast and crew and discuss ideas, just like they do it at Rude Mechs.
So, check back with this blog to find out more about the development of the show!